Sunday, March 22, 2009

php - decutf8 decimal to utf8 entity

go to you will see a unicode table listed by htmlentity number.

echo decutf8(632);//prints ɸ which has htmlentity ɸ

function decutf8($str)
$bin = decbin($str);
$out = 127;
if (strlen($bin)<=7)
$bin=sprintf("%08d", $bin);
else if (strlen($bin)<=11)
$bin=sprintf("%011d", $bin);
else if (strlen($bin)<=16)
$bin=sprintf("%016d", $bin);
else if (strlen($bin)<=21)
$bin=sprintf("%021d", $bin);

if ($out <=255)
return chr($out);
else if ($out <=(255 * 256) )
return chr($out/256).chr($out%256);
else if ($out <=(255 * 256 * 256) )
return chr($out/256).chr($out/256).chr($out%256);
else if ($out <=(255 * 256 * 256 * 256) )
return chr($out/256).chr($out/256).chr($out/256).chr($out%256);

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