Thursday, July 30, 2009

output formatting like command line sql


$sql = '';
$sql.="SELECT fieldtype, count(1) as count ";
$sql.="FROM mytable ";
$sql.="GROUP BY fieldtype ";
$sql.="ORDER BY fieldtype ";
echo report_append("summary of data", $sql);

|0 |9 |
|1 |397 |
|2 |965 |
|3 |554 |
|4 |683 |
|5 |1352 |
|6 |1390 |
|7 |237 |
|8 |1372 |

when fieldtype=1 then 'Apple'
when fieldtype=2 then 'Banana'
when fieldtype=3 then 'Blackberry'
when fieldtype=4 then 'Cherry'
when fieldtype=5 then 'Grape'
when fieldtype=6 then 'Orange'
when fieldtype=7 then 'Peach'
when fieldtype=8 then 'Pear'
else '' end) as typename, fieldtype, count(1) as count
FROM mytable d GROUP BY fieldtype ORDER by fieldtyped;
report_append("summary of data", $q);

|typename  |fieldtype|count|
| |0 |9 |
|Apple |1 |397 |
|Banana |2 |965 |
|Blackberry|3 |554 |
|Cherry |4 |683 |
|Grape |5 |1352 |
|Orange |6 |1390 |
|Peach |7 |237 |
|Pear |8 |1372 |


function select_all($sql)

$rows = array();
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
$rows[] = $row;
return $rows;
function report_append($title,$sql)

$rows = select_all($sql);

foreach($rows[0] as $colname=>$col)
foreach($rows[0] as $colname=>$col)
$headersize[] = strlen($colname);
foreach($rows as $row)
foreach($headersize as $colnum=>$col)
$headersize[$colnum] = max( $headersize[$colnum] , strlen($row[$header[$colnum]]) );

foreach($header as $colnum=>$colname)
$h.="|".sprintf("%-".$headersize[$colnum]."s", $colname);
$h.= "|\n";
foreach($rows as $row)
foreach($headersize as $colnum=>$col)
$h.="|".sprintf("%-".$col."s", $row[$header[$colnum]]);
$h.= "|\n";

return $return;

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